Thursday, November 23, 2006


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Saturday, June 17, 2006

84 cm - 11 kilos 400 grams of happiness

Monday, June 12, 2006

Giving Up Phood For Phunk...

I's listening to James Brown & his Phunky People when this pic sprung to mind...
An old one but a good one.
But let's look deeper than that.
Phunk, what does it mean? According to the Etymology Dictionary this:
"depression, ill-humor," 1743, probably originally Scottish and northern English, earlier as a verb, "panic, fail through panic," (1737), said to be 17c. Oxford University slang, perhaps from Flem. fonck "perturbation, agitation, distress," possibly related to O.Fr. funicle "wild, mad."
"bad smell," 1623, from dial. Fr. funkière "smoke," from O.Fr. fungier "give off smoke," from L. fumigare "to smoke." In reference to a style of music, it is first attested 1959, a back formation of funky. Funky was originally "old, musty" (1784), in reference to cheeses, then "repulsive," but began to develop an approving sense in jazz slang c.1900, probably on the notion of "earthy, strong, deeply felt." Funky also was used early 20c. by white writers in ref. to body odor allegedly peculiar to blacks. The word reached wider popularity c.1954 (e.g. definition in "Time" magazine, Nov. 8, 1954) and in the 1960s acquired a broad slang sense of "fine, stylish, excellent."

Now, apart from all the depression, still, it means bad odeur (hence the foot) although Phunky Max doesn't have smelly feet, he does have an aura over him of doing what he wants... He is true Phunk!
Going back to the title: staying real with your art, your thang, even in hard times is an important life's lesson I want to give him. Or as the Beastie Boys have put it once so to-the-point: "Stay true to yourself and you will never fall"

The Phunky Man has a natural dedication to the feeling of good. What if we all give up phood for phunk, that is, stay true to ourselves, dedicate to the feeling of good...? Life will be so much more phun-kier!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

You're Only In The Wrong...

...If You Get Caught...
Haha! Gotcha!
Not even 22 months yet and already sleeplessly defiant!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wurds From The Wise...

Ok, it's been months... So maybe not such a good idea this blogg? Well hell yeah, and as to quote the godphather of phunk: "if you don't get it the first time...back up and try again!" -A true word.
Something Phunky Phather's never forgotten after hearing that all-inspiring dope (musick) from the gutt. Anyway... on to home grown business.
Something I wish to see engraved for a long time in at least my own mind so here goes for the memories..
Today Phunky Max learned how to climb out of his phunky crib! Damn, that smart cat! A milestone in his latest rockclimbing exertions. I guess school is paying off for him, they are calling him "the climber"..
He's also been steadily expanding his vocab, so much is to be expected of course and he says the phunniest things! Well, phunny if you are his phather.. I hardly reckon that stuph like "come on, cat, car & cow (of which we only possess the automated one - go figure), donde esta (where is he/she/it/I) and acia (meaning gracias)" will raise too many eyebrows out there but can be quite enlightening I guess in phunky toddler world, being able to get -any- message across...
And he does it with zest, let me tell ya!
Good boy, Good for him!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I & I Present: Phunky Max


The aim of this blogg is foremost to keep a diary of and for my son, hereby introduced and further mentioned as: "Phunky Max", age 1.5
Me, myself and I -a.k.a. Jack, CUZ (TBH), Jimmy (you know, the guy you can blame anything on)- or as signed: "Phunky Phather" will try to keep up with this diary (whether daily, weekly or monthly) between work, hobby, study and free time and inform the phunky planet about his main and perhaps not so main developments.

May The Phunk Phorce Be With You!
*Dedicate To The Feeling Of Good*